A fashion, beauty and lifestyle destination for people short on time.

When it’s your job to test every single beauty product in the world, you quickly learn what’s ground-breaking and whats merely marketing hype *ahem* Kylie Jenner Lip Kit – do not waste your money.
The beauty products that make it past my desk, into my bag and come home with me are special. But the ones that make it into my make-up bag, onto my dressing table and onto my face are the ones worth spending your money on. Trust me, I’m a harsh critic. Especially now I do my make-up in approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds with Leo balanced on my knee trying to grab everything in sight. Everything you see below is mum-proof, babe-proof as well as being fool-proof to use and will make your life easier – I’m using most of them in the little vid below. Treat yourself or add to your Christmas list…