A fashion, beauty and lifestyle destination for people short on time.

If yours is anything like mine, the expensive shampoos and bath oils have been removed from the sides and replaced with brightly coloured bottles of bubble bath and an ever-growing troop of plastic bath toys that seem to multiply by the moment.

Apparently women only have 26 minutes of free time a day. As busy, multi-tasking women, baths are over-looked and we opt for much more practical showers. But with winter coming we’re all in need of a little bit of extra pampering.
Mama’s, it’s time to reclaim the bathroom. Gather up those toys and chuck them onto the landing, get those bottles of bath oils out from the back of the cupboard, run the water and close the door – because those bottles don’t just look good on your bathroom shelf – there’s actually tonnes of benefits to having a bath. And even if you’re anti-bath like Gemma who hates them (she’s had one bath in the last three years) you can use all of these products to turn a quick shower into a bit of a pampering experience too.

Read on to find out more – they make the perfect present for a friend/mum/sister or just share the link with anyone you know in need of a little ‘time out’…
Jessica Ennis adds magnesium flakes to her bath post-race. They relieve aches and help muscles recover. If they can heal her after a heptathlon, imagine what they can do for a bad case of ‘toddler shoulder’ or ‘pram arm.’
Try: You probably know about this brand because their Mama Mio pregnancy body products are just SO GOOD but another one of my absolute favourites that they do is

Pour a glug into a warm running bath to relax tight, stressed shoulders and sooth a tired, achy body.

Your mum told you to take a hot bath to ease period pains growing up but lets face it, it’s easier to pop a paracetamol or two. Well, take note: heat brings blood flow to your pelvic area which helps relax the muscles causing the cramps in the first place. Ginger is great bath soak addition for upset tummies, helping immensely with the pain of bloating.
Try: Nutmeg and Ginger Bath Oil, Jo Malone. As well as being kind to your tummy it’s also enriched with sweet almond and avocado oil that soften your skin (you can skip body moisturiser afterwards, bonus!) while the amazing scent transforms your bathroom from ‘kidzone’ to ‘luxe hotel bathroom.’
If you struggle to sleep, doctors often advise taking a bath before bedtime. It helps to lower your body temperature which helps to stimulate tiredness. Try adding a few drops of vetiver to your bath, it’s much more powerful than lavender when it comes to calming the mind.
Try: Every Beauty Editor I know has a bottle of Deep Relax Bath and Shower Oil, Aromatherapy Associates in their bathroom, it’s so concentrated that it will last you years. Just 2-3 drops will do the trick and knock you out.
It’s that time of year. You can already feel yourself starting to get sick. Slowing down and making yourself relax is the best way to recover quickly. Try adding antibacterial tea-tree or decongesting eucalpytus to your bath – both strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation, and fight against bacterial infection as well as have anti-mucus properties.
Try: Pour a few drops of Knackered Cow Bath Oil, Cowshed under warm running water. The herbaceous blend of lavender and eucalyptus helps calm and clear your head (as well as the headcold).
And one final tip for when you’re wallowing in the water: don’t take anything into the bathroom with you – no phone or magazine – if you must read something, read the back of the shampoo bottles. Let your mind wander and breathe deeply and calming allowing your stomach to rise and fall. It sends a message to themindbrain to help de-stress the mind.

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