This is a much requested post so we hope that you like it! We both loved planning our babies first birthdays and even though our babies turning one was a totally emotional milestone for us both, we made such lovely memories and loved spoiling the babes on their...
Nothing beats the look, feel and lasting power of a gel-mani but because we can’t always get to an appointment these days – and because it’s a good idea to give your nails a break from them at least once every two months – you need an at-home...
I’m much more of a winter kinda gal than a summer one, I’ve always preferred layering up to stripping off but if I had to say one thing I love about summer coming around is that I love to splash out on some sunglasses. They cover dark bags, you don’t...
Sam sent this to Gemma when she was having a bad day. Gemma read it on the tube into town and cried. Her day was so bad that she ended up missing her stop on the tube TWICE (I know!!) because her mind was elsewhere. Just one of those days where it all gets too much....
In the years BC (Before Child), I prided myself on my freshly manicured nails. A perk of the job, I’d rarely go a few weeks without a file, buff and slick of the latest polish. When I was heavily pregnant and struggling to even fit into maternity clothes, a glossy...
The question we have been asked the most since we launched This Is Mothership is ‘Where do I find clothes I can breastfeed in?’ It’s a struggle that so many of you have – you feel more yourself but can’t wear your old clothes without...
Are you a judgy mum?Whether you judged the mums in your NCT class on the brand of buggy they bought or decided to befriend the lady in Costa because you appreciated her baby bag, we’re all guilty of it, although we don’t like to admit to it!Listen to our...
We’re all about minimising the morning routine. Less faffing means more time to get your act together and get you all out of the house on time. And this is relevant to everyone, not just those with babes.A make-up palette is the way forward. ‘Yeah, yeah, whatever’ I...
Remember that day a few weeks ago when it was absolutely boiliing hot? Well we were lucky enough to spend that morning on a roof garden, overlooking central London with Margherita Missoni and had a sneak peek of her new collection that is now being stocked in John...
Those of you who follow us on Instagram(and if you don’t, you should) will have noticed that we spent Tuesday night in a swanky hotel eating room service in fluffy dressing gowns (um, actually onesies, but dressing gowns makes us sound cooler!) We’re not...
Looking like you’ve got your act together when toting around a toddler or two is a struggle. Your pre-baby beauty regime doesn’t cut it in the two minutes your working-mum morning allows yet you still need to look like you’re totally handling life....
It’s one of my favourite times of year (I think I prefer it to Christmas!) The time of year when the new season collections start to work their way into our favourite stores. I always shop for shoes first, and then work my outfits around them. This is the best...
Becoming a mum is a bit of a strange feeling. Obviously it’s a-mazing but it’s also a bit odd. You go from being somebody with an ‘out of the house’ job that you love, somebody who works long hours then goes out in the evenings, on a whim, with...
For a super-speedy, natural looking glowy, sun-kissed look your bronzer should come in liquid form.Bronzy, sun-kissed skin is a look that’s always in, regardless of the season. But come summertime, we find ourselves gravitating towards this effortless,...
The bomber jacket is a major trend for 2016 and is expected to be hanging around throughout the rest of this year. We love a simple mum hack here at This Is Mothership so here is the best on yet – throw on your favourite skinny jeans that have faded knees and...