There are just some things out there that help to make our day to day mum lives much easier. We live in a generation where technology is so advanced that we actually don’t know how our parents coped bringing us up without it. And what did they do while they sat...
Here at This Is Mothership, we’re fully-fledged members of the Fake Tan Fan Club. It’s the one thing that we’ve both found works to make us feel better and look healthier, even when we’re surviving on four hours sleep and an IV drip-worth of...
Flares are an interesting topic. Most people get scared off when you say the word ‘flares’ and I know you will be sceptical, but trust me – just try them. They are super flattering for most body shapes as they will give you curves if you don’t...
We’ve been there. Playing the waiting game. You pack, un-pack, re-pack and then un-pack it all and start again.The Daily Mail interviewed us recently about what we packed in our hospital bags which started a huge convo on Instagram.So here it is, our most asked...
If yours is anything like mine, the expensive shampoos and bath oils have been removed from the sides and replaced with brightly coloured bottles of bubble bath and an ever-growing troop of plastic bath toys that seem to multiply by the moment.Apparently women only...
It’s officially my favourite time of year. Coat shopping time. I own a really unhealthy amount of coats, and my collection includes some gems from over 10 years ago. As we live in a country with mainly miserable weather you need a selection that will take you...
As self confessed nosy ladies, we love nothing more than to have a peek inside other peoples homes so we thought we would share a little part of ours. Gemma found that doing the interiors of Belle’s room was quite a cathartic process. She was ultra organised and...
We don’t know anyone who doesn’t own something from Primark. You get some sort of thrill from popping in and coming out with a huge bag full of goodies without having to spend too much money. It’s pretty much impossible to go in there and leave empty...
Pre-Leo I was pretty fit. I used to nail Barry’s Bootcamp 3x a week with a little bit of Psycle thrown in before work. But that was nothing compared to motherhood. My arms ached from all of the pram pushing, my calves hurt from all of the pavement pounding and...
We were so excited when the babes started walking. Not only would it make life easier, it also meant that we could go and buy them some cute shoes (oh, and obviously it was a major Proud Mum moment) Except there seems to be a distinct lack of nice looking shoes out...
So many people use the same foundation brush for months or years and NEVER wash it. A few of my friends have been complaining about how annoyingly spotty their skin is. When I asked about the last time they washed their make-up brushes, they looked at me blankly....
A little while ago (I weirdly have no concept of time since becoming a mum – anyone else have that problem?!) I put together a guide on how to find out your body shapeand what clothes would suit it. It was really successful with you guys so I thought I’d...
We spend an unhealthy amount of time on Instagram. Anyone else?! When we’re scrolling, there a few people that we always make sure that we check out. Here are our faves to follow…PS: If you aren’t following us on Instagram then, erm, why not?! We are...
Since This is Mothership was born, we’ve both learnt an awful lot.I’ve picked up a few fashion tips from Gemma (high-waisted jeans are SO much more flattering, who knew?!) and I’ve been rubbing off on her in the beauty department. Skincare can be...
Leopard print. We’ve discussed it before but it’s the only print that will never go out of fashion, and the best print to use if you want to perk up your outfit. Below is an edit of the best leopard print out there so that you don’t even need to...