Where were you when you first saw that blue line on the wee stick? That is todays topic of convo! Sam’s story could come straight from the pages of The Devil Wears Prada while Gemma’s friend is 100% psychic. Have a click below and listen to ours –...
The average mum gets just 17 minutes to herself A DAY! Written down it sounds mental but it’s actually not surprising. Every once in a while you need some time off. When life all gets a bit too much, we like to lock the bathroom door and treat ourselves to some...
Over the past few weeks we’ve been asked so often when we are doing a post on winter boots, so we’ve decided so split it into a two part story as there are too many to share.Today we are featuring the best boots with midi heel – these are all boots...
We’ve all been there. You do something really stupid that if it wan’t so funny it would have you in tears. You know, those face-palm moments that you actually can’t believe you did. But you did. And we probably did too. So today we’re sharing...
When it’s your job to test every single beauty product in the world, you quickly learn what’s ground-breaking and whats merely marketing hype *ahem* Kylie Jenner Lip Kit – do not waste your money.The beauty products that make it past my desk, into my bag...
Gemma wears Marks & Spencer leopard coat // Sam wears Marks & Spencerpink coatLeo & Belle wear Marie – Chantal for Marks & Spencer.Leo and Belle wear Marie- Chantal for Marks & Spencer. Our mules, just seen:Marks and SpencerWe spend way too...
Yeah, yeah, we know we’re fashion and beauty experts but there are some things that still go over our heads. One of them being the pronunciations of fancy foods, designers and brands. There are too many out there to keep up with so we came across this helpful...
I don’t know about you but my default mood these days is ‘knackered’. I need at least two coffees before 10am to get me going and then slowly drop-feed the caffeine throughout the day. If someone could just hook me up to an IV of the good stuff,...
We all have so many clothes in our wardrobe that we don’t ever wear. I was on a mission over the weekend to show Sam how we can make use of those special pieces that we save for our best, and to show her how they can easily be dressed up or down. Because...
We got excited when the weather took a turn for the worse because it meant that we could take a shopping trip for the babes to get some new fancy outerwear.Here are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to choosing a winter coats for your babe:-Sounds obvious but...
With new season fashion comes a whole host of autumn-appropriate beauty trends and, while catwalk looks aren’t always known for being wearable, we can promise you one is much easier than it looks. The best thing about beauty is that you can try something new without...
Nothing says ‘Mum’ more than wearing a parka. It should be a staple in everyones wardrobe – warm, bum covering and actually practical. Nothing beats that feeling of looking outside at the grim weather and knowing you have something warm and cosy...
Whether you believe in them (just putting it out there, we do) or you think it’s a load of crap and your baby is the best gift of all (very true, but we also like presents that don’t come covered in gunk) the choice is yours. For those of you expecting...
Welcome to part two of our ‘Mum Yoga’ class. Today we’re talking tired legs. It’s crazy the amount of walking you do when you have a baby. I remember going on three hour walks when Leo was a baby because it was the only way to get him to fall...
As much as we love to snoop on ASOS or traipse around Topshop in Oxford Circus, it’s sometimes quite nice to come across a lesser known brand or find a gem of a top in a store that you’ve never shopped in before. It’s also good to know that you...