Um, it’s Valentines Day next week. Which means it’s V-Wknd in a few days. And while V-Day doesn’t have any sort of significance in our life these days (as we aren’t 18 year olds harbouring major crushes for boys that don’t know we exist)...
It took us a while to figure this one out, but our day is made a million times easier without lugging around a huge handbag or a baby changing bag. When the kids turned one, we realised that there was just no need to be carrying around a giant bag of...
We’ve harped on about how we feel like we’re having a mum life crisis. It’s not quite a mid-life crisis (yet) but we noticed a change in ourselves that we felt like we needed to rectify by doing something dramatic to make ourselves feel young and...
The other week we shared our hair regimes with you on here. We both have such different hair types but the one thing that we both have in common is that we need our hair products to give really impressive results, quickly. And last. We don’t want volume that...
It turns out that our POSTlast week on how to wear an alternative colour to black went down a treat so I’ve decided to adapt on it and suggest something totally wild for your wardrobe: Pastels. Don’t freak out, it’s very logical and you’ll...
This is something that we find ourselves talking about ALL THE TIME. We just feel so bloody god damn guilty. Whether your a working mum like Sam who feels it daily when she drops Leo at nursery or you’re at home with your babes most of the week like Gemma, who...
Sometimes it feels bloody impossible to get out of the door. You know those (rare) nights that you do go out and you suddenly need to put a full face of make-up on while bath time is happening. You’re left choosing between reading a bedtime story and remembering...
We chat so often on Instagramabout how we all wear a variation of the same clothes over and over but here at This Is Mothership HQ (Gemma’s couch…) we wanted to show you that it’s really easy to branch out of your comfort zone and try something a...
People often say that when a baby is born, so is a mother. That’s a little soppy for us but there are elements of truth in it. When we were pregnant we had no idea how on earth we would know what our baby wanted. Hell, when they were born we also wondered that....
To our surprise in the last couple of months we’ve received quite a few emails asking us about our hair routines. We find this quite funny as when it comes to our hair, both of us have a really rather low maintenance regime (well, one of us more so than the...
There are two things that will never ever go out of fashion: breton stripes and leopard print. They’re timeless, they add a little pizazz to any outfit and even if you only wear black and are scared of a print, there are really subtle ways to introduce it into...
There’s nothing that we like more at weekends than going for brunch with the babes. It’s the perfect meal, straddling their lunch and your breakfast (or second breakfast, depending on how early a start it was!) But nothing makes a relaxed brunch stressful...
Mama’s listen up. We know that you have like, zero spare minutes in the day. We know that as soon as the kids are in bed you pretty much want to just flop onto the sofa, mindlessly instascroll and watch a bit of CBB (if you can stay up ’til 9pm) BUT how...
Flat black boots are our fail safe mum shoe. They’re a wardrobe essential and a key part to our mum uniform but there is no need to stick with that scruffy pair of old boots sitting by the door. There are some pairs that are particularly on trend at the moment,...
We’ve both got it, our friends have had it so chances are that you’ve got it too. In fact, we know you do because you’ve told us. It’s one of your biggest beauty problems. So I thought that today I’d cover post-pregnancy hair...